Fortnite Leak Reveals Upcoming Tactical Shotgun Changes

A new Fortnite leak reveals some upcoming changes to the Tactical Shotgun that may make it a good choice for a player’s weapon rotation.

Epic Games may be set to introduce Tactical Shotgun changes according to a fresh Fortnite leak. There have been many weapons over the years of Fortnite updates, with some being vaulted along the way, but the Tactical Shotgun may be due for some revisions to its stats.

Fortnite was released with a helpful rotation of items like the Assault Rifle, Hand Cannon, and Flint Knock Pistol. Just as new skins have been added to the Item Shop and various Battle Passes, new weapons and items have also been introduced. Fortnite Primal was joined by a new weapon crafting system that had some success but was met with negativity from the community. In Primal, players would use Animal Bones, Mechanical Parts, and other materials to upgrade otherwise mediocre guns. Chapter 5 Season 1 offers its own weapon customization through Fortnite Weapon Mod Benches primarily found in Vaults. The Tactical Shotgun may be among the guns to get big changes this season as information on a new update has been leaked.

Twitter account HypeX recently shared some information about changes expected for the Tactical Shotgun during Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 1. According to the leak, the new Tactical Shotgun will have six bullets that can all be reloaded in one clip. The reload time will be reduced to 3.6 seconds compared to the current 4.2 seconds, and it has a 30% faster fire rate than the Hammer Pump Shotgun. The damage per shot varies from 79 to 97, and the headshot equivalent ranges from 119 to 145 depending on item rarity. According to HypeX, these variables may be adjusted before the update drops but otherwise, the information should reflect the revised stats of the Tactical Shotgun.

The Tactical Shotgun has been a prominent weapon in Fortnite since the beginning despite being vaulted and altered multiple times along the way. In Fortnite Chapter 1, fans debated whether the Tactical Shotgun or Pump Shotgun was better, with popular streamers favoring the latter. While Chapter 5 Season 1 has the Tactical Shotgun, it differs from the original. The changes to the Tactical Shotgun may inspire more players to choose the weapon over others in the same category, like the Hammer Pump or Frenzy Auto Shotgun. These balance changes may be due to much of the community protesting how overpowered the Frenzy Auto Shotgun is, potentially giving players more reason to choose the Tactical Shotgun instead.

As it’s a constantly evolving game, the meta is changed in many updates, and this Chapter 5 Season 1 patch may affect a player’s weapon choices. Given that Epic Games continues to update Fortnite, there may be another adjustment before the season ends in March.

Thanks to Game Rant

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